Stacy Doris

1962 –

Stacy Doris was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on May 21, 1962. She received her AB in literature and society from Brown University and an MFA in English and creative writing from the University of Iowa.

Doris’s books include Knot (University of Georgia Press, 2006); Conference (Potes & Poets, 2001); Une Année à New York avec Chester (P.O.L., 2000); Paramour (Krupskaya, 2000); La vie de Chester Steven Wiener écrite par sa femme (P.O.L., 1998); and Kildare (Segue Foundation, 1994).

A translator from French and Spanish, Doris coedited anthologies of French writing in English translation, including Twenty One New (to North America) French Writers (Raddle Moon 16, 1997) and Violence of the White Page (Tyuonyi 9/10, 1991). She is also the translator of Dominique Fourcade’s Everything Happens (The Post-Apollo Press, 2000). Doris also published two short books written in collaboration with visual artists: Mop Factory Incident (Women’s Studio Workshop, 1996), with Melissa Smedley, and Implements (for Use), a limited-edition, handmade art book published in Paris with Anne Slacik.

About her work, the poet Jackson Mac Low has said, “Doris’s treatment of her themes and forms is radically different from poem to poem and most contemporary practice.”

Doris taught at several colleges and universities, including the University of Iowa and Hunter College. At the end of her life, she was a creative writing instructor at San Francisco State University, where she had taught for a decade.

Doris died on January 31, 2012. Fourteen Hills journal at San Francisco State University created the Stacy Doris Memorial Poetry Award in her honor.